Animated Tile Sets in Unity

Objective: At the end of this guide you’ll know how to implement animated Tile Sets in Unity.
Installing the UNITY 2D Tilemap Extras Package
Open the package manager going to Window > Package Manager and select the advance project settings to enable the preview packages.

Note: The reason why Unity has preview packages disabled by default it’s because these tools tend to be incompleted or out of date.

Now that we have our preview packages enabled, it’s time to install the 2D Tilemap Extras.

Now that our package is installed we can start working with our animated tilemaps!!!
Creating Animated Tilemaps
Click on the project window and let’s create an animated tilemap asset.
Go to Create > 2D > Tiles > Animted Tile

This will create us the asset. I’ll call it Banner Tile.

Click on it and let’s take a look at the Inspector.

The number of animated Sprites is set to 4 because my Banner is just 4 images. Fell free to choose any animated image you want, but remember the number of Animated Sprites will depend on all the image sequences your file has.
Now, click on each Sprite field and select the one you want to add.

At this moment we have our Animated Tile ready for being used in a tile palette.
Let’s open the tile palette.

Create a palette for our Animated tile, in my case I’ll call it “Banner”.

To add the Animated Tile Prefab to the

It’s time to set the animation speed in our Tilemap Object in the scene…

Once we have all these steps completed, everyghint IT’S DONE.
We can start painting our animated tile into the scene!!!

Animated tiles can be very helpful when we don’t want to have a bunch of props in the herarchy window just for decoration. If we just want to add an static 2D object in the background this tool can be perfect for that!