Instantiating and Destroying GameObjects In Unity
Objective: Instantiate an object and destroying it.
Think on a shooter game like Apex Legends, this kind of game requires to instantiate bullets every time the player shoots.

Note: I’ll be explaining how to use Object Pooling in the next article related to the topic.
Instantiating Objects In Unity
Sometimes we want to make objects to appear while the game is running when the player press a key, collides with a door or some other event. Unity give us an easy way to instatiate objects into the scene on runtime.
Using: The Instantiate() method that inherits from MonoBehaviour.

In this way we can instantiate a bullet prefab into the parent transform position without rotation.
Destroying Objects
Using the Destroy(obj) method we can destroy an object from an scene in our Unity Game.

In the example above we are destroying the same gameObject within 3 seconds.