Make the Player Shoot!!! PEW PEW PEW
- Create a Weapon Class
- Handling the shoot with player’s input
Weapon Class

A long and scary class, uh? But don’t worry, I’ll explain it.
We are just basically creating a Shoot() method that will trigger the weapon. This class is modular, so it can be implemented with any object that can shoots(Not only the player).
ChangeBullet method and ChangingBullet Coroutine.
In the same class we have both methods, one public and another private. ChangeBullet can be called from other classes to make the character shoot different bullets, the time parameter is to specify for how many time this bust will be on this weapon.
Hadling the shoot from Player’s Ability Class

And the player’s ability class should look like this to handle the shoot.

And the player goes PEW PEW!