You can drastically change the look of your games by adding post processing!
I’m going to show you how you can implement post processing in your project.
But before starting, let’s make something clear, there are two ways to implement post processing in your projects. One is by adding the URP(Universal Render Pipeline) and the other one is by just importing the Post Processing package.
For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s go ahead with the second one.
Step 1: Importing Post Processing Package.
Let’s go ahead and import the package by going to Window > Package Manager.
Now, we must be in the Unity Registry in order to be able to see and install the Post Processing package.
Your list of packages now should be updated with a ton of elements. Let’s find the Post Processing package to install it…
Got it! That’s step 1 being completed. Now let’s proceed to add cool effects to our worlds.
Step 2: Adding effects to our scenes
Create an empty scene and place some objects.
In order to add post processing in our scenes we have to setup our camera first.
So, let’s go to our main camera and add the Post Process Layer component.
Now our camera can render post process effects. As you may notice, there’s a warning behind the Layer property, we need to specify the Render Layers. Let’s create them.
Adding Layers
To add new layers in our project let’s create an Empty Gameobject and call it “Post Processing”, then, click it and through the inspector we can add the Layer just like in the images below.
Important: This just simple create the Layer, you must go back to the GameObject and assign the Layer like in the image below.
Perfect, we’re really close to add our cool effects. Let’s get back to our camera and add the Layer we’ve just created.
Now’s is when the magic comes!
We have everything set-up to start adding effects to our scene, we’re just missing one little thing! Click again the post processing object we created and add the Post Process Volume component.
Once the component is added, we now have to create a profile by clicking the “New” button. See image below.
Cool! Now we have everything 100% set-up to add effects. 🕹🎞💪
Click on “Add effect…” and let’s add a bloom effect as an example.
Now we’ve added the bloom effect but we have to edit it and enable it’s features to see differences. You have to check “IsGlobal”, “Intesity” and “Color” boxes in order to see effects on your gameview. See image below.
Don’t forget to add the intensity! If you don’t do it you won’t be able to see yout cool effects 😔
And that’s it!
I hope you learned something new by reading this article. I wish you the best on your journey as an Unity Developer… and remember, games should always look cool!